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Whether it's always like this or just once you should see a doctor. It's most likely the hormones messing up a bit. If it's like this every time you need help to make it more normal. You can't feel good bleeding that much every month.

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12y ago
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9y ago

There are several factors why your menstrual could last longer than 3 weeks. In most cases, this is as a result of the hormone levels being affected. You should consult a doctor if this persists.

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16y ago

There is a hormone surge just before your cycle begins, your may be strong and causing some bleeding.

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11y ago

There could be a number of causes of this, I would suspect endometriosis, but in any event, you should consult your doctor.

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14y ago

There are many reasons for prolonged bleeding, any of which are serious. You need to go to a clinic or doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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