

Why you can't see wind?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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11y ago

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That's an interesting question.

We only see things that block or reflect the light hitting our eyes. We cannot see the wind, because air is "transparent"; light goes right through it.

Or does it?

It turns out that all light does NOT "go right through" air. Some frequencies of light are absorbed by air. So I guess it's a lucky thing for us that our eyes work in the ONE band of frequencies that are transparent.

Some scientists don't think it's "lucky"; our eyes wouldn't have been so useful if they worked in other frequencies of light. The likely explanation is that over a couple of billion years, life on Earth evolved to be able to see just the kinds of light that would be useful to us.

Our planet and we grew up together; we see these frequencies because we are adapted to our planet.

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Abbie Hyatt

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Wind is the movement of air. Air is transparent and thus essentially invisible to us. As a result, we cannot se its movement, though we can see the effects of that movement.

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