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You might have a pituary growth. This is called empty sella syndrome.

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Q: Why you have breast milk your last time with breast milk was 8 years ago?
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Can breast milk go bad if you don't breast feed for a long period of time?

No it wont spoil but the tendency is milk production will lessen then dry out.

What is the best for baby a breast milk or industrial milk?

Breast milk is always best - as it contains natural nutrients, and antibodies to boost the baby's immune system. Formula - is only intended as a substitute - for use when breast-feeding is not practical, not as a full-time replacement !

Does a girls breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

Does a girl's breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

Can birth control pils cause your breast to milk?

No, birth-control will not make you produce milk. The only time you will preduce milk is if you are pregnant. CONGRATULATIONS =D

If you breast feed and drink alcohol will it get into your breast milk?

The American Academy of Pediatricians says an occasional alcoholic drink probably will not hurt baby, but a mother who chooses to have a drink should wait at least two hours before breastfeeding. Because everyone metabolizes alcohol differently, the amount of time it takes for the alcohol to leave your blood and therefore your breast milk also varies from person to person. The alcohol is not trapped in your breast milk and draining your breasts will not expedite the elimination of the alcohol from your system. Over time your body will naturally metabolize the alcohol from your breast milk but the only way to know for certain that the alcohol is gone is to test your milk. Breast milk screening kits are available to test breast milk and ensure that alcohol is not being transferred to baby.

When does breast milk form during pregnacy?

around the time you will give birth or maybe during pregnancy

Can a women in her fifties breast feed?

No, because when you first are pregnate, you have fresh milk, but after it jst rotens and dries. The first attempt to answer this question shows a profound ignorance about how a woman's breasts produce milk. This is said not to be mean, but please do your research. In a nutshell, the lactation process starts when a woman becomes pregnant and her body begins to produce the hormones that stimulate milk production. Once the baby is born and begins to nurse, it's suckling provides additional stimulation to the mother's breast and her milk begins to flow. Each time the baby nurses it further stimulates the mother's breasts to produce more milk. The previous answer makes it sound like there is a fixed supply of breast milk and will go bad after a period of time. In reality, breast milk is produced on a "on demand" basis. In general, as long as a woman's breasts receive the needed stimulation they will produce milk. Now on to answering the original question. A woman who has stopped breast feeding some time ago or even a woman who has never been pregnant can induce lactation and begin to produce breast milk. With the heavy use of a breast pump over a period of weeks along with a healthy diet and adding some herbs that help with lactation, she will begin to produce breast milk to be shared with the one she loves.

What is the purpose of the Purely Yours Breast Pump?

The Purely Yours Breast Pump is used to express breast milk. It is great for mothers who work full time or for those who want a quick and easy pumping experience.

Can you start breastfeeding after four months?

If you continue to offer a newborn the breast from the time of birth and do not supplement with formula you will have an adequate supply of breast milk until you stop offering the breast. Breast milk is supplied based on demand. If the newborn/child suckles for it, your breasts will continue to produce milk indefinitely.

Is it possible to leak breast milk at 24 weeks pregnant?

It is most likely colostrom.... yes, it can happan... depending on your pregnancy... my second pregnancy I leaked colostrom from about 20 weeks on.... It is just a sign your body is getting prepared to nourish your baby :) Yes it is possible to experience leaky breasts during this time. It isn't actually breast milk but is called Colostrum. It does look very similar to breast milk though. Your breast milk will come on once you have given birth to your baby. Congratulations.

Why is there no milk in a breast?

If your breast are full and will not release the milk, or "let down", it generally means you are engorged. A technique for alleviating the buildup of pressure from engorged breasts it to alternate between hot and cold compresses. Many women also find a hot shower with gentle manipulation can help to start the flow of milk. The key to preventing engorgement is not allowing too much time to pass in between feedings or pumping.