

Why you never reach the horizon?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Because HORIZON is only an imaginary line. . . . . . . . .

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Because it is just a mirrorage of the sun after rain comes and stops.

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Because the Earth is a globe. No matter how far or how fast you travel - you will never reach the horizon - since it will move away from you at exactly the same speed !

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When you are near the event horizon, you would be close to the speed of light - from your own point of view. From the point of view of an outside observer, you would move slower and slower, and never quite reach the event horizon. This has to do with the queer distortion of space and time caused by the black hole.

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Yes. The hilltop is your horizon line. As you approach the top of the hill, the distance between you and your horizon becomes inches, and you cannot see down the other side until you reach the top.

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The distance to the horizon from the shore depends on the height of the observer's eyes above sea level. On average, a person standing at sea level on the shore can see approximately 3 miles to the horizon. If the observer is standing at a higher elevation, such as on a cliff or in a tall building, they can see farther.

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Actually, The Sadness Will Never End was filmed in Slough,UK. :]

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A circumpolar star never sets below your horizon.

What will happen if you fell in a black hole?

Your body would be pressured into nothing in the blink of an eye, I believe. However, a distant observer would never see you reach the event horizon because of time dilation, the good old Lorenze-Fitzgerald thing.

Is there a line in ones everyday lives that never ends?

Most people call it the horizon.