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Q: Why you save the green pitcher plant?
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Green pitcher plant?

it is a flytrap plant.

Which part of the pitcher plant absorbs sunlight?

The entire "pitcher" of the Pitcher plant contains chlorophyll is green and can photosynthesise

What animal eats the green pitcher plant?

three toed sloths

What is the flower of Newfoundland and Labrador?

The Pitcher Plant, it is mostly red, with green.

Can a pitcher plant survive without sunlight?

No. It has green leaves and therefore needs sunlight for photosynthesis.

Is pitcher plant do photosynthesis?

pitcher plants can photosynthesis, any green part of a plant can photosynthesis. pitcherplants though cannot photosynthesis enough to survive and have adapted to digest small organosms instead.

Why does pitcher plant feed on insects even it is green and carries out photosynthesis?

pitcher plant is an insectivorous plant all plants need nitrogen insectivorous plants usually grow in an area which lack nitrogen insects contain nitrogen so it traps the insects

Why does a pitcher plant feed on insects although it is green?

pitcher plants are grows in soil which does not have much nitrogen in soluble form. they trap insect because they have nitrogen in their bodies.

What is an Australian pitcher plant?

An Australian pitcher plant is another name for a Western Australian pitcher plant - also known as the Albany pitcher plant, a carnivorous plant of Western Australia, Latin name Cephalotus follicularis.

What types of nutrition Pitcher Plant takes?

Pitcher plant is insectivorous.

What is pitcher in pitcher plant?


Is the pitcher plant a producer?

Yes the pitcher plant is a flowering plant. It flowers in spring.