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Hi, This could be because you're pregnant. Do a test. i did 4 hpt and came back negative Hi, This could be because you're pregnant or have a hormonal imbalance or because your on birth control. Do a test.

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Q: Why you still have breast tenderness after a light period and now its been 3 weeks and still have breast tenderness?
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Why are your breasts still sore and you are on your period?

Breast tenderness is a common menstrual symptom. If you are not using birth control, take a pregnancy test, as it is also a symptom of pregnancy.

If no breast tenderness occurs could you still be pregnant?

yes symptoms vary from person to person

Ive been having breast tenderness and back pain and frequent urination all the symptoms of a period and pregnancy then i got my period 2 weeks early what does this mean i was thinking that i was prego?

You still could be... It could be implantation bleeding and NOT your period... You should take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

How long after conception can one start feeling symptoms feeling so bloated which not normal for you and have breast tenderness Still over a week away from your period?

Bloated feling could be due to your approaching period. Some people can start having symptoms just prior to their first missed period. Most women don't have symptoms that early, but it is possible.

Your son is 18 months old you have yet to have a period you do not breast feed and still have breast milk what is going on?

your probally pregnant

If you ovulated nine days ago and have other symptoms but no breast tenderness could you still be pregnant?

Yes you could, but you would have very little or no symptoms yet. You may start getting some morning sickness in another week or two but breast tenderness often accompanies your menstrual cycle so that isn't a good gauge for pregnancy.

You are breast feeding and have not had a period can you still become pregnant?

It's unlikely but it's possible.

Age 44 woman period 15 days and still going neg pregnancy test mild side pain what is it?

It could be the start of an irregular pattern of bleeding which is the pre-menopausal stage. The mild side pain is caused by hormonal surges as your body tries to jump start a period. Hormonal surges also cause breast tenderness and pain.

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Nausea and cramping can you be pregnant even though you have an IUD?

Generally the same as when you don't have an IUD. However, some women may not get a period or may have a really light period when they have an IUD and so could look for other signs such as breast tenderness, increase in appetite and fatigue etc. Get a test and check it out!

If you have brown discharge every time a week before your period and this time you period is late with tingling niples breast so sore you don't want to touc them but still have cramps could you be pre?

If you are still having a period, you are not pregnant.

Are diarrhea and migraines signs of pregnancy?

Yes they can be signs of pregnancy! My mother had diarrhea with my brother and sister, and you get really gasey because of all the pressure and making room for a baby in your stomach. I would suggest to still take a pregnancy test though, just to make sure. Good luck!