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Q: Why you think the appearance of the nutrient broth changed following incubation?
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Which nutrient is changed by bacteria into different forms?

nitrogen is changed by bacteria into different forms

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How has the radio's appearance changed over time?

The radio's appearance has definitely changed over time. The newest radios are very small compared to the big and bulky radios of the past.

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the appearance of many factories and how they changed over time.....

How have fossil organisms changed throughout geological history?

They have evolved. There entire structure has changed, like their skeleton and their appearance.

Why did filius flitwick from Harry Potter change his appearance?

The director changed and they decided to give Flitwick a makeover.

Which human traits can be changed by human intervention?

Appearance (by surgery or diet and exercise).

How has the computer changed in function or appearance?

Type your answer here... i don't know and HI

How do you spell duisguised?

The correct spelling is disguised (changed in appearance, as to avoid recognition).

Is a rotten fruit a chemical or physical change?

A rotten fruit is a physical change. Physical changes involve a change in size shape or state but the chemical makeup of the material remains the same. In the case of a rotten fruit the physical appearance has changed but the chemical composition of the fruit remains the same. The physical change can be seen in the following ways: The color of the fruit has changed from its original color to a brown or black color. The texture of the fruit has changed from firm to mushy. The smell of the fruit has changed from sweet to sour.Rotten fruit is an example of a physical change because the chemical composition of the fruit remains the same even though the physical appearance has changed.

Has an ocelots appearance changed over time?

Ocelots have decreased in the last few years.