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A Floodplain

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Q: Wide flat valley located along the sides of some rivers and streams?
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Where were the most miners' claim during the gold rush located?

Along streams or rivers

Why were mills located along fast moving streams?

Sawmills and flour mills are located on rivers and streams because waterwheels powered the cutting and grinding machines.

The habitats along streams and rivers that holds clean water?


Where were most miners claims during the gold rush?

Along streams or rivers

What are the kingfishers habitats?

they live along streams , rivers, lakes and sometimes ocean coasts.

Why were the Arawak villages located along rivers?

They were there to hide

What civilization began along the Indus and Ganges rivers?

indus valley

Which ancient river valley civilization was located along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the land of Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia developed along the Tigris and Euphrates river.

Where can you find a fossil?

all along coastal waters, close to rivers and streams, and in fields that have been recently tilled as well.

Where Fertile Crescent was located?

The Fertile Crescent can be found in modern day Iraq in the river-valley of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. It is called this because of the shape of the river-valley along with the fact that the rivers overflow each year and bring nutrient rich soil to the shores.

Can you find chert rock in new jersey?

Yes, chert can be found in New Jersey. It is commonly found in sedimentary rocks throughout the state and can be found in various locations, including along rivers, streams, and in quarries.

What is the farming area of rich land along rivers in Mesopotamia?

The farming area of rich land along rivers in Mesopotamia is called the Fertile Crescent. It is located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.