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Q: Will 3 male crayfish kill each other?
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No they do not kill each other becaues they love each other

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No. they will kill each other.

Can two male bettas be toghether?

No the two male bettas will kill each other if they are put in the same tank.

Do mice kill off each other if there is no female?

No, but if they are male mice they will fight for dominance

Can you have one male guinea pig and two female?

NO!! The boys will kill each other!! :(

Do male and female betta's fight each other when they are both in the tank together?

yes. the male may KILL the female

Can you keep a male and female hedgehog together for them to breed or will they fight with each other?

"They will mate but if you keep them in there at the birth then the female will kill the male."

Should male bettas be all alone in a tank?

yes, if you put another male in the tank they will kill each other, if you put a female in the tank and they are not ready to breed the male may attack the female and kill her.

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You should never have 2 male rabbits (Bucks) together. They'll fight and they might kill each other.

How can the gender of a crayfish be determined?

The female crayfish has no appendages and the male has two

Do crayfish come male and female?

All female crayfish have eggs inside them. However, she must be mature before they can be used. The female does need a male crayfish in order to have babies.

Can a female tarantula give birth without a male?

NO. Male tarantulas make a nice, light snack for a female.