

Will 95 percent alcohol burn

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Under typical distillation conditions, ethanol can only be purified to 95% with 5% water remaining. There are additional techniques that can be used to remove the remaining water to make it anhydrous (no water). Do not confuse 95% alcohol with 95% denatured alcohol. In denatured alcohol the remaining 5% is composed of other alcohol impurities like methanol, propanol, and butanol, to name a few.

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Q: Will 95 percent alcohol burn
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95% means 95ml of every 100 is alcohol. So the answer is 228ml (take away 1/20, i.e. 12ml)

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One has 4.5 percent more alcohol which is important because you can get to a max of 95 percent using fractional distillation. To get the 99.9 percent or absolute alcohol, you need to use other more advanced methods. Some of these include include desiccation using adsorbents.

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Bacardi 151 is a hundred and one proof! And its rum.

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.95*(first alcohol(l)) + .15*(second alcohol(l))=.45(10) 1st+2nd=10l

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About 95% of the alcohol is processed by the liver.

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70% alcohol means in hundred parts of it, 70 parts are pure alcohol, rest is water. 95% means 95 parts of pure alcohol in 100 parts, so 5 parts of water. It depends on the usage. As a solvent, 95% would be preferred. As antiseptic, both can be used, 75% being more common as medicinal spirit. For consumption, fairly dilute concentrations are preferred. Above 43% are rare so both the above concentrations are dangerous for consumption.