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The deal for Disney to acquire Marvel has not yet gone through; they are hoping it will be completed by the end of 2009 or early 2010. What Disney may do with the Marvel characters can only be determined at that time, although currently Disney's XD channel (formerly Toon Disney) shows a number of Marvel shows, such as X-Men Evolution and Spiderman. Disney also owns the rights to Batman: The Animated Series, which is a DC Comics property (rival of Marvel). I would assume that Disney Theme Parks will start to have Marvel rides and characters. Perhaps Hulk Mountain or something.

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Walt Disney Co completed its merger with Marvel on Dec 30, 2009. Marvel's stock was removed from the New York Stock Exchange on January 11, 2010.

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Q: What is Disney going to do now that they're getting the rights to Marvel Comics' characters?
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So, Marvel/Disney owns the rights to Spider-Man comics. If Spider-Man appears on film it is under the control of Sony Pictures. Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man movies. Spider-Man merchandise is owned and controlled by Marvel Comics (and Disney – the parent company of Marvel Comics).

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The very first Marvel comic book was "Marvel Comics #1," published in 1939. This issue featured the debut of characters like the Human Torch and Namor the Sub-Mariner.

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