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No, it will not.

You may have noticed that I didn't bother to ask whether you meant this year or not, or indeed what year you have in mind.

The earliest date on which Easter can possibly occur is May 22; the latest date on which it can occur is April 25. So April 26 is just not possible.

Note that some religious sects ... the Eastern Orthodox Church being one of the largest ... have different rules, and using those, Easter CAN occur on or even after April 26 ... Orthodox Easter 2018 falls on April 28. (There are two separate reasons for this; one of them is that the Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar used by pretty much everyone else in the world, and the other is that the Orthodox Church absolutely requires that Easter fall AFTER Passover to maintain the sequence described in the gospels ... the Last Supper was actually a Passover Seder ... while most denominations ignore this).

(Also, note that Orthodox Easter and Catholic/Protestant Easter CAN fall on the same date, it's just not terribly common for them to do so. They will be on the same date in 2017. This only happens when the first full moon after the spring Equinox is unusually late.)

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