

Will Fang rejoin the Flock in the next Maximum Ride book?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No one knows right now. I hope so.

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Q: Will Fang rejoin the Flock in the next Maximum Ride book?
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Why does Fang need to leave the flock in the 6th Maximum Ride book called Fang?

Too protect the freaking flock!

Who is in Fang's new flock in the Maximum Ride series?

Maya (Max's clone),Star, Ratchet, Kate, and of course Fang.

Does Fang come back in Maximum Ride's flock?

Yes, he comes back in the final book, nevermore

What was the date that Fang left Max in the Maximum Ride series?

Total's (their dog) wedding. When the flock all come home, Fang's gone.

Who is Fang off of Maximum Ride?

Fang is a 14 year old (15 in FANG) in the Maxmium Ride books, and second in command of the Flock. He is Max's boyfriend, and in my opinion very ugly, but that's beside the point.

Why doesn't Fang update his blog?

Bcuz in the last Maximum Ride book out, Fang, Fang leaves for 20 years and doesn't have the computer + he doesn't want the flock to know where he is.

Who are the people on the cover of the Maximum Ride books that are playing the flock?

Mostly it is Max and Fang but in Angel Dylan is the guy in the background

Does the School have cages inside in the Maximum Ride series?

In maximum Ride, the flock, Maximum, Fang, iggy, nudge, gazzy, angel, are trapped inside the school, a lab. They were held captive my dog cages, yes.

What was the problem in Maximum Ride Fang?

Max and fang dating was messing up the flock! so angel sent them away where they meet dr.g-h and he tries to hurt them and angel takes control the flock little phyco

Do max and fang kiss in front of the flock in Maximum Ride 5?

yes they do when max is about to go into the ocean they kiss hope this helps! =)

Does any of the flock in Maximum Ride die?

Fang dose die for a brief time but is Revived by Max, who loves him very much.

Is Fang from Maximum Ride writing a blog?

Through out most of the books, Fang was writing a blog. There's also a website of his blog and sometimes he'll update his fans about him and the flock.