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Jesus will return according to His Father's commandment... when He tells Him it's time... and as KING of kings, and LORD of lords over all the earth, as recorded in The Bible.

Not as Mahdi's "second lieutenant."

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Sure. Muslims believe that Jesus PBUH will return to this world, to uproot all evil & suffering, to spread all happiness, peace & prosperity all over the world. Jesus' return is one of the signs of the doomsday.

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Christianity does believe Jesus will return. Islam does not and believes Jesus was just a prophet--not the son of God.

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Q: Will Jesus return according to Quran and Bible?
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It does not. It is used is some parts of the Quran when speaking of Jesus - called Isa.

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Why do Muslims use koran instead of bible?

Koran or Quran is the Holy Book revealed on Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and Bible or Injeal is the Holy Book revealed on Prophet Jesus ( Hazrat I'sa A.S). So for a non -Muslim Quran is Islam's Bible but for a Muslim Quran is Quran and Bible is the Holy Book preceding Quran. (remember for a Muslim both Holy Books are to be equally respected but Quran is to be followed)

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In the Quran tells us that Jesus is another prophet and not as a saviour of the world.

Did the mother of Jesus have any other children according to the Quran?

NO. Virgin Mary brought birth only to Jesus PBUH, her only son who was born miraculously without a father. The Holy Quran talks a lot about Jesus PBUH & assures the virgin birth of this great prophet.

Which religion is based on the Qur'an?

No religion is based on Quran and Bible. Islam is based on Quran. Judaism and Christianity is based on Bible. Most of the Quran teachings come from the Bible even though there are fundamental differences between the teachings of Quran and the Bible. Quran is the product of Muhammad's claim (the prophet of Islam). Bible is the product of about 40 different people's claim of God's revelation.

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The Quran is Muslims holy book the same sense the Bible is the Christian holy book.

Does the Quran include the first five books of the Bible?

No. Quran has some accounts taken from the five books of the Bible.

What is the difference between the writings of the Quran and the Bible?

The Quran is considered the literal word of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, while the Bible is a collection of texts written by multiple authors over centuries, recording teachings, stories, and history of the Christian faith. The Quran is written in Arabic and covers a wide range of topics including theology, law, and morality, while the Bible includes the Old Testament with Jewish texts and the New Testament focusing on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ for Christians.