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I've just started using Off Deep Woods and so far it's worked for me. I'm currently fighting a flea infestation and I was getting bit constantly until I started spraying myself with Off. As far as I know, it works against Cat Fleas. I'm not sure about other types.

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Q: Will OFF deep woods keep fleas off of me so I don't bring them from work to my home - how can i prevent the transfer?
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Does Deep Woods Off Repellent keep fleas off dogs?

From a can of DEEP WOODS OFF!: "Provides long-lasting protection from mosquitoes, ticks (including ticks that carry Lyme disease) and biting flies: stable flies, black flies, and sand flies. Also repels chiggers, fleas, gnats, no-see-ums from treated skin or clothing." So yes.

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How to Eliminate Ticks and Fleas from Your Dog?

If your dog is suffering from fleas or ticks there are plenty of ways to rid your beloved companion of those annoying bugs and get it healthy and feeling great once again. Below are some tips on how to prevent and eliminate fleas and ticks from a dog:We'll begin with preventative measures. There are products, like flea bombs, that you can apply to your dog to prevent it from getting fleas and ticks. You also need to treat your yard and have the inside of your home sprayed to prevent your dog from getting fleas. To keep your dog from getting ticks, don't take it to any tall grassy areas or into the woods, as these are prime areas where ticks jump onto or latch onto larger animals.If your dog does wind up getting a tick you can use a simple pair of tweezers to pull the tick out of its skin, but you'll have to locate the tick first and that can be problematic. Make sure you wear gloves any time you attempt to remove a tick from your dog. If the tick is embedded in your dog's skin, have it professionally removed as soon as possible.Another option if your dog is already infected is to give it a bath with a special medicated shampoo that works against fleas and ticks.An effective way of removing fleas is to use a fine-toothed pet comb designed for flea removal.Some symptoms to look for that will tip you off that your dog has fleas or ticks is excessive scratching and biting around their body. Take heed of the preventative measures listed above because the best way to eliminate fleas and ticks is to prevent them from getting on your dog in the first place. Keep your home clean and keep your dog's bedding area as clean as possible at all times. Most importantly, bathe your dog regularly (at least once a week) to keep it clean and healthy.

How would one safely go exploring the woods?

There are many ways one could safely explore the woods. First, one should never explore the woods alone. Second, bring anything that will help you survive, such as: Food, water, and a knife. Lastly, avoid any wild animals in the woods.

Why did Julian Tenison Woods want to be a priest?

Because he had been called by God and wanted to follow God's will as he knew it would bring him great peace and happiness.

Where are the disrespectoids on Neopets?

go to faerieland, mystery island, and the haunted woods and you will find an ad thing up on top that has those three on it. click on them to bring them back.

If you go to muskoka woods the camp for one week how many times will you wash your cloths?

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Aquire a roasted chicken switch from one screen to the next ie home to woods and she will return or leave application and return she will be there