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Psyllium can aide in the "flushing out" of THC. Most cleansing products include quantifiable amounts of psyllium seed/husk in them. Psyllium is a fiber, which blocks the reabsorption of fat soluable compounds in your body, including THC. The best bet is to take psyllium along with lots of water (im talking liters) and exercising regularly. If you are at all worried, follow this easy program and take an at home drug test for marijuanna. The kits are about $10 at a CVS or Walmart. Just remember..if you know you have to pass a drug test..STOP SMOKING NOW! The longer you go without, the greater your chances are of passing with flying colors. Hope this helped!

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15y ago

No, in fact all of the "detox" kits you see online, and other methods you've read around are simply ripoffs and do not work. There are always stories of "a friend passed his drug test by taking niacin" or this and that, however the only proven way to get THC out of your system is time and the stopping of marijuana use. Psyllerol, Niacin, Vitamins do not work.

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9y ago

Psyllerol does not remove THC from the body. THC is the main ingredient that is found in the cannabis plant.

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Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

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It will help you get the THC out of your system faster but it will take about 2-3 weeks to completely rake it out, thus passing your drug test. P.S if you get less than 10%ph in your system you can say it was second hand smoke, and you might slide by.

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Yes, yes it does!

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THC and alcohol do not react or eliminate each other. THC takes about a month to be fully metabolised by the liver, while alcohol is processed fairly quickly. There is no way drinking beer could help remove THC from your system faster. In fact because the liver now something easier to do, it will "postpone" the THC and it will take longer.

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Because the THC in marijuana sticks to your brain and fat cells. The faster your metabolism, the faster it exits your system. You will eventually sweat or urinate it out.

Get weed out of your system in 2 weeks?

Don't smoke, drink plenty of water, eat lots if fiber and lots of creatine. Creatine is very prominent in red meat but can also be bought as a capsule at your local grocery or vitamin store. The above will help to metabolize the THC faster as well as help prevent any remaining THC from entering your urinary system.

What can help flush THC out of your system?

Nothing. It stays in the fat and hair cells.

What antibiotics can help clean THC out of your system?

THC isn't alive, antibiotics wouldn't do anything except kill your white blood cells.

Vodka help you clean THC out of your system?

No it won't. THC is fat soluble, only water and exercise will effectively clean it out of the human body.

Does sonnys7 help clean the THC out of your system?

Nothing can get it completely out if your system but time. Although its possible, It's illegal to intentionally cover up the THC in your system to pass a drug test, so I can't tell you how.

Does drinking lime juice help get marijuana out of your system?

Yes, lemonade will help get THC out of your system. But it is nowhere near the best way. Of course there are many products available on the market that can help but many of those are expensive and some make false claims. A good way to get rid of THC in your system is to drink lots of water, about 2-3 gallons a day, and drink cranberry juice. Water will flush your system and the cranberry juice will help to detox the THC from your fat cells. About 4-5 glasses of juice a day will do the trick. This will greatly speed up the time it takes for THC to get out of your system.

Does pickle juice clean system of marijuana If not what works?

Pickle juice will not help your body flush THC out. The only sure way of getting THC out of your system is time.