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four leaf clover is known to be a universal good luck charm that will bring good luck to anyone..

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Q: Will a 4 leaf clover bring me protection an love an security?
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Is a four leaved clover supposed to bring you luck or is it a three leaved clover?

four leaf clover bring you good luck. three leaf is a shamrock

What does the four leafs on a four leaf clover represent?

four leaf clovers bring luck, five leaf clovers bring extra luck and brings money just on your luck, six leaf clovers bring fame, two leaf clovers bring love. A seven leaf clover, however, is said to bring death.5 Leaf Clover Stands for:One is LoveTwo is HealthThree is WealthFourth is LuckFifth is Success or MONEY!!

What four-leaf ... is supposed to bring good luck?


What Person or thing considered to bring good luck?

Four leaf clover, Penny, Crossing your fingers, Ladybugs, Rabbits foot, Horseshoe.

What is a four leave clover?

In Irish tradition, a three leaf clover, a Shamrock supposedly represents the Holy Trinity - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. If a four leaf clover is found, then the fourth leaf is considered to bring God's Grace.

How do you have luck?

its not something u just get but a 4 leaf clover is said to Bring luck

Why is a four leaf clover called a four leaf clover?

A four leaf clover is called a four leaf clover because it is a clover with four leaves. The reason for its name is quite literal. =)

What does a 5 leaf clover mean?

luckier than a four leaf clover.

Why do you call a 4-leaf clover a 4-leaf clover?

Because it's a clover with four leaves

Does clover have 3 leaves?

Three Leaf Clover (Shamrock)

What is the difference between a 3 leaf clover and a 3 leaf clover?


Can you laminate a four leaf clover?

Yes you can laminate a four leaf clover.