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i dont know i have a 50 and it wont get any heat

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Q: Will a 50 mw laser burn your skin?
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Can you damage a TV with a laser pen?

You can burn the surface of an LCD or plasma display with a laser that is either high intensity (Over 5 mw) or had its infrared filter removed. But then you can burn the surface of most plastics with a 50 mw laser pen.

Will a 20mw laser burn?

Well a 20mw laser is to powerful it has a range of 3km but except few things it can burn nothing the things it can burn are matche sticks and stove it got a life time of 3000 hrs,to burn a stuff,paper or to pop a ballon u need a laser of or more than 50mw but u can make ur 20mw laser more powerfull the thing u need to do is go to youtube and seach how to make a 20mw laser a burning laser and it can burn the thing which a 50 mw laser can burn

How strong does a laser pointer need to be to cut paper?

Burning paper requires 1 watt (1000 mW), which is more than what most laser pointers can achieve without modifications For comparison: Popping balloons or lighting matches requires roughly 100 mW (which is the high end mW range of most commonly found laser pointers) Note: laser pointers anywhere near 100 mW and up are very dangerous to the eyes and can cause permanent degrading of vision (some doctors say any laser above 5 mW can cause eye damage), so use with caution and never point at anyone's face

How powerful is a 10000 mw laser?

my guess? about 10,000 mw.....

How powerful is a 200mw laser pointer?

It is very powerful, falling into the "3B" class. Classes were determined by levels that can cause a lesion. The UltraViolet laser is far more dangerous than the visible laser. In the visible range, a continuous laser classes are: Class 1: up to 0.39 mW. Class 2: 0.39 mW to 1 mW. Class 3A: of 1 to 5 mW. Class 3B: 5 to 500 mW. Class 4: beyond 500 mW.

Can a 10 mw laser pop a balloon?


What does mw on laser mean?

milli watt

Can a 200mw red laser pointer burn paper?

You cannot physically damage a person's eye with a laser pointer. You can however, decrease the activity in the inner eye which relays a signal (blindness) after a period of time while staring into the laser. It is not strong enough to damage, but bright enough to cause dysfunction of your pupil. Edit-A Class I laser is harmless in normal use, Class IV is extremely hazardous to skin and eyes. It all depends on the laser power. It can also cause a nuclear detonation.

What is a stronger laser pointer a 300 mW or a 100 mW?

300 milliwatts is brighter and stronger

Where can a 100 mw laser be bought?

Someone can purchase a 100 mw laser pointer at any online or physical professional laser pointer company, as well as in large amounts of wholesale product online.

How far will a 200 mw red laser go?

A 200 mw laser should be able to hit a person from over 100 miles. That is of course if it has full battery

Is it dangerous for a person to use a laser pen indoors?

Some laser pens are not dangerous indoors. A laser pen with five mW will not harm someone and is visible enough to see. But other pens which have one hundred mW are very dangerous and are a hazard.