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It is rarely a good idea to self-diagnose yourself. Doctors typically do not take it seriously. If you believe you have Fibromyalgia you should report your symptoms to your doctor and be fully evaluated. Once you have been diagnosed by a physician, if other doctors do not believe you, you will have medical records to show them. Unfortunately, there are a large number of doctors that still do not believe that Fibromyalgia is a real disorder.

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Q: Will a Doctor believe an 18 yr old Male claiming he has Fibromyalgia?
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What would be the best specialist to treat Fibromyalgia?

I see a rheumatologist for my fibromyalgia treatment. I also have chronic IBS so I see a GI doc. On top of that, I have a sleep disorder so I also see a pulmonary doc. I'd say you'd probably want to get a referral to a rheumatologist that believes in fibromyalgia. There are lots of docs, specifically older docs, that don't believe it's a true condition. So just be careful. The road to diagnosis and treatment is very long and discouraging. Keep your head up! This statement is extremely these things will save you time and help. When you call your rheumatologist ask if the doctor believes in fibromyalgia no sense in wasting his time or yours. Second if you are a male ask if they see males with fibromyalgia. As much of a sexist question as this may seem you would be surprised how many doctors have bought in to the lie that only females get fibromyalgia. Last of all once you get a rheumatologist they most likely will know a pain doctor in your area that manages pain. make sure you ask for a referral to a pain management doctor and don't try to find one on your own. You want to get this information from this doctor because most likely they have sent others to this doctor and the PM doctor will also believe in a Fibromyalgia diagnoses. This will be easier in some states than others. These steps will save you many years of humiliation, frustration, and distress. Once you get a family doctor print up the test information at there now is a blood test that your doctor can order. All though not 100% accurate [not many test are] it may help you in your treatment. The world is becoming more an d more acceptable of FM and realizing it isn't going away. They are coming closer to finding out what it actually means. Many FM patients do not have to go through what many had to go through just 4 or 5 years ago. It is still a battle but it is getting less and less with more and more people on your side.

When does the doctor tell if the child is male or female?

During first sonography a doctor can answer if a a child is male or female.

What is a male doctor called?

Male and female physicians are called, 'Doctor'. There are no gender-based titles in medicine. If you mean a doctor who specializes in boys or men's private parts, then that would be a urologist. The doctor may be either male or female.

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The proper salutation in English for either a medical doctor or the holder of a Ph.D. is the same for either male or female. It is simply "Doctor".

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What is the Doctor for male organ?

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What do you call the male elephant?

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What is a man doctor called?

If you are referring to a doctor that is a male, then doctor is the title. If you are referring to a doctor that specializes in treating the genitourinary system of males, then it is a urologist.

How should it be said in plural man doctors- men doctors - men doctor for male doctors?

Universally just saying 'Doctor' should be enough. However, if you want to emphasize on the sex, you can call it as either a 'Male Doctor' or a 'Men's Doctor' if a doctor specializes in men's health.