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In some cases it will. There may be some levels of HCG in your blood after the miscarriage which are being picked up on the PT. If this persists see your doctor. Good Luck to you. yes i had one takes awhile for your body to heal yes i had one takes awhile for your body to heal

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18y ago
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15y ago

yes. a pregnancy test detects specific hormones that are only present if you're pregnant. when you have a miscarriage, it takes a while for your body to realize you're not pregnant anymore, and then the hormones take time to disappear. at least a week.

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14y ago

Yes, you can get positive pregnancy test after miscariage if your hormones have not gone down completely. As your pregnancy progresses, the hormone level go on increasing. Depending upon when you have the miscarriage ..they cud be at high level already. It will take some days or even weeks for the hormones to go back to down to normal (0-5) levels. However you can see changes like your pregnancy symptoms decreasing with time etc.

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10y ago

A miscarriage most certainly could show up positive on a pregnancy test, however, this depends entirely upon how far along you were in the pregnancy before miscarrying.

If you're in the first trimester and are getting a negative test result but are confident that you are miscarrying or are about to, it's quite possible that you simply have not been pregnant long enough to have hCG levels high enough for an at home test to pick it up (as was the case when I miscarried).

Otherwise, yes, you can still have a positive pregnancy test with a miscarriage. The tests pick up the amount of hCG (human chorionic gnadotropin) present in your urine. The further along you are the higher your hCG levels will be. The test does not take into account whether or not the pregnancy is still viable (or alive).

Whether youre getting a positive test or not, if you believe you are/were pregnant and miscarrying you really need to go see your doctor or OB-GYN. Sometimes what women confuse for a miscarriage is actually a more serious condition. While most miscarriages can be succesfully completed at home without medical intervention, it is highly recommended that you still go to your doctor and discuss what your options are and what the possible outcomes are. Some miscarriages, if not treated by a doctor, could end in an infection that scars the uterus, ultimately reducing your ability to get pregnant in the future.

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9y ago

Yes, because the pregnancy hormones are still in your body even after a miscarriage.

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16y ago

if your hormones still read the pregnancy level than yes.

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14y ago

Get it confirmed by a doctor, Some preganancy hormones may be still showing up in the test, unless you are one hundred percent it was a miscarrage and not implantation bleeding.

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14y ago

According to a midwife I spoke to, it won't. I was worried I had a miscarriage because of some bleeding, and she said I could do a pregnancy test to find out if I had or not.

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13y ago

Yes, if the pregnancy hormones haven´t left your body yet. It can take a few weeks.

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Q: Will a blood pregnancy test come out positive if you just had a miscarraige?
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