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Male budgies are more friendly, and as long as there isn't a female to fight for, they should be all right. Though some things depend on their personalities.

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Q: Will a boy budgie get along with another boy bubgie?
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Related questions

Why does your girl budgie attack your new boy budgie and not your old girl budgie?

The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

Do blue budgies play more than green ones?

No. A color of a budgie has nothing to do with the way they play but if you had a boy and a girl budgie, the boy would be more easier to teach and more playful as the female budgie tends to bite a lot harder than the male budgie I have over 20 budgies and I got to say the male budgie gets along with each better than the female budgies who will fight for space Ihope this answers your Question.

Why does the female bite the boy budgie?

Because they are probably a mated pair, and she is in charge.

Is Sprite a good name for your boy Webkinz Budgie?

no, try petunia or lime-ade.

Is Mojo a good name for a boy budgie?

Awww, that is such a cute name! Yeah, in my opinion.

What do you do if you and your friend like the same boy?

Both of you should walk away from the boy. It will save your friendship and another boy will come along soon.

What happens to a boy budgie when its beak turns brown?

A male budgie's beak, or rather, the cere above the beak, does not turn brown. A mature male budgie has a blue cere. If your budgie's cere has turned brown, you have a female that is ready to breed.

Do boy budgie's have blue noses and girls have pink noses?

Yes, male budgies have blue on their nostrils, as to the females do not..

Why does your boy budgie jump on your girl budgies back?

I think its probably because the are mating........ Or it might be that they are both boys.

What do you do when you have a new girl budgie and a 1 year old boy budgie?

well it depends on how old the new femal is. If he and her are the same age then they are suitable to mate but if she is very young, lets say a month - two months then keep them away from each other , we wouldn't want the fighting now would we. Budgies can learn to live together quite easily but it takes some time espacialy if the male you speak of has bonded to you. If you do not know the age of ur new budgie look at her head and if it is fully striped from the cere"the nostrils" back that's means she is 4 months or older. if it is a solid color and/ or fluffy than she is older and can mate

Who is grahm the man?

Grahm the Man is a boy whom Emily has a deep love passion for, along with another boy who she says she doesn't like, I shan't say his name on the internet though.....

Is my parakeet a boy because of his pink and purple cere?

sexing a budgie is relatively easy. if the bird has a blue cere its a male if it has a pink or brown cere its a female