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In the presence of a catalyst, a reaction will have a lower activiation energy. In other words, it will be easier for the particles of the reactants to circulate about to move the reaction along, which means it will take less energy to get it started.

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Q: Will a catalyzed reaction have a higher or lower activation rate?
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A catalyzed reaction will have a activation energy and this leads to a in the reaction rate. A) lower decrease B) lower increase C) higher decrease D) higher increase?


What affect rates does a enzyme catalyzed reaction have?

Enzymes increase the rate of reaction by changing the reaction mechanism to one with a lower activation energy.

Do catalyzed or uncatalyzed reactions require more activiation energy?

Catalyzed reaction has a lower activation energy because there is an enzyme present in the reaction. Uncatalyzed reaction has a higher activation energy because there is no enzyme present in the reaction.

How does a catalyst affect a biochemical reaction?

Catalyzed reactions have a lower activation energy (rate-limiting free energy of activation) than the corresponding uncatalyzed reaction, resulting in a higher reaction rate at the same temperature Catalysts work by providing an (alternative) mechanism involving a different transition state and lower activation energy. Consequently, more molecular collisions have the energy needed to reach the transition state. Hence, catalysts can enable reactions that would otherwise be blocked or slowed by a kinetic barrier. The catalyst may increase reaction rate or selectivity, or enable the reaction at lower temperatures. This effect can be illustrated with a Boltzmann distribution and energy profile diagram. in bio chemical reaction enzymes are catalyst and do same work as normal catalyst.

How does the additions of a catalyst affect the energy of activation of a chemical reaction?

A catalyst changes the reaction mechanism to one with a lower activation energy; activation energy is lowered when a catalyst is added

What factor will most likely lower the activation energy of a reaction?

The presence of a catalyst will lower a reaction's activation energy.

Which statement best explains how enzymes speed up chemical reactions?

Enzymes lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction.

How do enzymes work what do they lower?

Enzymes function when they lower the activation energy. That means it takes less energy for the reaction to work.

Enzymes work by lowering the what?

Also known as activation energy. threshold energy or you can also say enzymes lower the energy barrier

What is activation energy How does a catalyst affect activation energy?

Activation energy is the energy required by a reaction for the reaction to occur. The catalyst lowers the activation energy, making it easier for the reaction to happen.Improvement:A catalyst don't lowers the activation energy. A catalyst creates a alternative route (*) for the same reaction with a lower activation energy.* = as a result of the interaction of the reagents with the catalyst.

What can speed up a reaction or lower the activation energy of a reaction and can digest things?

This would be an enzyme.

How enzyme accelerate metabolic reaction?

Enzymes lower the activation energy required to start the reaction.