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Yes, if there's more than one bull around, or if the bull trailing her is very promiscuous.

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Q: Will a cow breed more than once during estrus?
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Are dairy cows always pregnant?

No. There are two or three months of every year they are not pregnant. They have to be let be this way so that they can regenerate their normal estrus cycle in order to be able to breed again. Once they have two or three normal estrus cycles, they are re-bred again.

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No a falcon will only breed once in the spring.

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Can any Pokemon breed more than once?

all Pokemon can breed more than once as long as you put it in a daycare with a ditto. some Pokemon cant breed which are the ones that don't say if there a boy or girl.

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Manaphy can breed with Ditto to make a Phione, but you can only breed Manaphy ONCE. You can breed the Phione with Ditto to make more Phione.

How many day per month is a cow in estrus?

A cow is in estrus for only one day, once or twice a month. A cow or heifer's estrus occurs once every 21 days (though it can range from 17 to 24 days) and lasts for 18 to 24 hours, which enables her to maybe have one at the beginning of the month, then again at the end of the month.

Can rabbits breed for one day take a break and then breed the next day too?

Actually, what I have been told is best is to breed them once, wait an hour and then put them together again once more.

Will a bull breed a cow in heat more than once in a day?


How many times can you breed rabbits?

a buck can breed about once a day and a doe shoud only be breed about once a year

When to breed rabbit again?

You don't want to over breed, it can kill them. Just like a person, it takes a toll on the body. I would not breed more then once a year per female.

How many bunnies can a give at once?

It depends if you have the same breed. If you have the same breed, well, if your breed is small then they can give birth to eight and sometimes more. But if it is a bigish sort of bunny it can give birth to three and rarley more. Well I haven't seen any more.

Can a dog get pregnant when not in season?

A dog must be in heat to get pregnant. Heat is basically her ovulation cycle.