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Q: Will a dipstick test for pregnancy?
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Can you tell your pregnant from a UTI test?

No, a pregnancy test is separate from the urine dipstick, urinalysis, or culture used to test for UTIs.

Can a kidney infection cause a false positive result in a pregnancy test?

Some infections in the kidney can cause false positive dipstick test results but not false negative.

I have a urinary tract infection the doctors did a dip stick and they found bacteria is there any chance that they could pick up pregnancy and if they did would it appear as a bacteria?

No, a dipstick for bacteria does not pick up pregnancy hormones, you need a pregnancy test for that.

Can a uti affect a pregnancy test?

Yes. To get a urine test, go to your doctor. But instead of that you could just go buy a pregnancy test. Same thing, you pee on it. Yes, a urine dipstick can detect human chorionic gonadotrophin (HcG) levels in urine at about 2 weeks gestation

What is dipstick test?

The dipstick test is a urine analysis test used to test for urinary tract infection and kidney disease. They literally place a test strip into the urine to get the results of the test.

A doctors pregnancy test vs home pregnancy test?

A doctor's pregnancy test is much more accurate, where as a home pregnancy test can be faulty.

How ruminants are being test in terms of pregnancy test?

pregnancy test

What does blue mean on a pregnancy test?

It depends on what that pregnancy test uses to indicate pregnancy. Read the directions carefully to see what they use to indicate a positive or negative pregnancy test.

Can you buy a pregnancy test for a dog?

No thereis no such thing as a pregnancy test for dogs that you can buy, and no a human pregnancy test will not work

What test is used to measured the hcg in urine or blood?

pregnancy test

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

False pregnancy test with ectopic pregnancy?

Meaning "negative pregnancy test" with ectopic pregnancy: Any test can fail, urine test, blood simple test, and quantitative HGC test. Also the timing of the test versus the diagnosis by image (ultrasound). Ectopic pregnancy is only diagonsed with image, ultrasound, CT, MR.