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Um wow. It could. BRING. IT. TO. THE. VET!

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Q: Will a dog die when it has black poop?
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My dog had bowel surgery has not been able to poop what happens now?

it might die if you don't poop or pee

My doggy ate horse he going to die?

no...... poop is better for him then most dog food, for the fact that some dog food could have posion or something in it.

Can you die of eating dog poop?

No, but it's still really gross to do it.

Why would a female dog poop black tarry poop?

Black tarry poop in female dogs, as well as males, can be indicative of multiple things. The dog may have a parasite or illness. It may also be experiencing intestinal inflammation or infection. Sometimes, something the dog ate may just not have agreed with it, and the dog may be suffering from temporary indigestion.

Once the dog has been treated for worms what happens to the worms you have been seeing in her poop?

The worms typically die. well, the worms die in there belly from the treatment...and they will poop out the worms.

How is dog poop different from cat poop?

One difference is that dog poop dries out in the sun, while cat poop does not.

What if you have black poop?

You might die if you don't seek treatment soon. Jesus be with you!

What does dog poop constitute of?

It is not known what dog poop constitute of. However, dog poop, animals or humans poop usually constitute of what they eat like the type of food that eat.

Is it normal for your dog to poop black poop?

Of course, what comes out is about what goes in. Black is a common color, but not very healthy. I suggest switching to a more natural dog food with more nutrients

What does coyote poop look?

dog poop

Do dogs poop in minecraft?

Yes, if your dog falls too high or gets hit by monsters it is almost 100% assuring that your dog will die.

Why is your dogs poop red like his dog food?

The dog's poop really depends on what the dog is eating. Dog's poop can be different in colors depending on the dog food or sometimes an abnormality in the body especially the digestive tract.