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Q: Will a leaf or twig hit the ground first?
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When a leaf and a coin are being dropped of the same time at the top of the building which of the two will hit the ground first and why?

A coin. It is heavier, and thus less affected by air resistance.

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They both will hit the ground at the same time

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What will hit the ground first a bowling ball or an apple?

Assuming both were dropped from the same height above ground, in a vacuum both would hit the ground at the same time. In a significant atmosphere (e.g. average ground-level on Earch) the bowling ball would hit the ground first.

Will a bowling ball or golf ball hit the ground first?

In a vacuum, they will hit at the same time.

Which one will hit the ground first when you have two cannonballs and one is dropped while the other is launched?

They both hit the ground at the same time.

Which would fall first soccer ball or marble?

Whichever you drop first will fall first and hit the ground first.If you drop them at exactly the same time from the sameplace, they fall together and hit the ground together.

If you drop a penny and a text book at the sametime. which one will hit the ground first?

If a penny and a text book were dropped in a vacuum then they will both hit the ground at the same time. This refers to Newton's laws. If they are dropped at the same time on earth then the text book would hit the ground first.

Will a car or a bowling ball hit the ground first?

bowling ball

What will hit the ground first a 1 pound steel ball or a 5 pound steel ball?

If dropped from the same height, they will hit the ground at the same time.

Why does aschenputtel ask her father for a twig?

She is not interested in fancy, expensive things. She is not greedy. She seems connected to the natural world. She is sweet and kind that she doesn't want her dad to get down from the wagon to bring her a twig by breaking it, instead, she wants the twig that will hit his hat, so that he doesn't have to do a lot of work.