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It will most probably rust first in salt water, I wanted to rust a chain so that i could keep it in the shape of an eight, so i soaked it in salty water for a day or two

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Q: Will a nail rust first in plainsaltorsugar water?
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Does saltwater make metal rust faster than unsalted water?

Salt water does make nails rust faster than non-salted water, because when salt is added to water, it will rust the top layer of the nail, and then make the nail basically shed its top layer. Then the salt will rust that layer, and this process continues until the whole nail is rusted. Normal water can only really rust the top layer, and can't get to the rest of the nail.

What happens to nail after heating?

It either cleans the nail, or makes the nail have rust.

What causes OJ to rust a nail?

Rust occurs when a metal oxidizes. The ingredients needed to make a metal rust is oxygen and breaking compounds such as the citric acid in orange juice or salty water in oceans.

Will iron nails rust faster in salt water or freshwater?

Does iron nail rust faster insltor fresh water2. materials:two nail,two cup,salt water,fresh water,3. Hypothesis.I think that a nail rust faster in salt water because of the chemicals in the salt.4. Procedure:inde variable:same nail and fresh and salt waterdep variable:how many days will it takecon varable:size of nail,different waterstepsgather my m

Why does a nail rust faster in warmer water than room temp?

I will assume you are referring to a normal iron or steel nail. Such a nail will tend to oxidize (rust) whenever there is oxygen present. Submerging a nail in water will not deprive it from a source of oxygen. Generally speaking, water is a solution of H2O and a wide variety of chemical compounds that are in solution with it. Among these, and prominently so, are the gasses that comprise the atmosphere, including oxygen. This oxygen will readily combine with the iron in the nail to form rust. In fact, other compounds within the water may cause the reaction to occur more or less quickly than it would in the air. It is incredible how much gas is dissolved within water. Imagine a large pot of tap water on the stove. As it heats, bubbles begin to form on the sides, then collect together and rise to the surface. These bubbles are not bubbles of steam (gaseous water) like many people think, but dissolved air being forced out of the water. There are a lot of bubbles. Imagine how much air you would have if you could collect all the bubbles.

Related questions

How do you rust a nail?

You rust a nail in either salt water or in vingar that what makes a nail rust

What makes a nail rust in distilled water?

The dissolved oxygen in the water reacts with the nail to form rust.

What cause a nail to rust in water?

The oxygen in the water reacts with the metal in the nail - forming metal oxide (rust)

Will a nail rust faster in soil or water?

A nail will rust faster in wet soil than water, but if the soil is not wet , the nail will rust faster in water. I hope this answers your question. Bye, Annette Pfohl

What will rust a nail the fastest?

tap water will rust it faster. tap water lets more oxygen get to the nail and should cause it to rust in a few hours after being put in the water

Which part of an iron nail rust first?

The tip of an iron nail is usually the first part to rust because it comes into contact with moisture and oxygen more easily than the rest of the nail. Rusting occurs when the iron in the nail reacts with oxygen in the presence of water or moisture.

Will nail rust quicker in vinegar or water?


What water will rust a nail the fastest tap water salt water or distilled?

Distilled water will rust a nail faster as distilled water contains higher levels of OXYGEN which is what causes OXIDATION or commonly referred to as rust...

Does bleach rust a nail faster than salt water?

Yes, bleach can cause a nail to rust faster than salt water. This is because bleach is a strong oxidizing agent that accelerates the oxidation process, leading to faster rust formation on the nail.

What is the best solution to rust a nail?

The best solution to rust a nail is to apply a rust converter or a rust inhibitor. This will help to neutralize the rust and prevent further corrosion. Sanding the nail to remove the rust and then painting it with a rust-resistant paint can also be effective.

What water can make the nail rust the fastest?

Sea water can rust nails or other metals.

What type of liquid make a nail rust?

Water is the most common liquid that can cause a nail to rust due to the presence of oxygen and moisture, which triggers the oxidation process on iron in the nail. Other liquids that are acidic or contain salts can also accelerate the rusting process.