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Distilled water will rust a nail faster as distilled water contains higher levels of OXYGEN which is what causes OXIDATION or commonly referred to as rust...

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Q: What water will rust a nail the fastest tap water salt water or distilled?
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Related questions

What makes a nail rust in distilled water?

The dissolved oxygen in the water reacts with the nail to form rust.

What happens when a nail is put into distilled water?

it would rust

Can rusting happens with iron nail when it is kept in distilled water?

Yes, rust happens to iron nail though it is kept in distilled water.

What water would rust a nail the fastest?

Salt Water!

What water can make the nail rust the fastest?

Sea water can rust nails or other metals.

What will rust a nail the fastest?

tap water will rust it faster. tap water lets more oxygen get to the nail and should cause it to rust in a few hours after being put in the water

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What makes iron rusts in distilled water?

An iron nail will rust slowly in distilled water when that water has dissolved oxygen. If you get rid of the oxygen by boiling and keep it from getting back in then the iron nail will not rust at all.

What chemicals will rust a nail paper clip and sewing needle to rust the fastest?

An atmosphere rich in oxygen, water, acids.

Iron nail rust quicker in tap or distilled water?

If both t etap water and the distilled water are open to the air and both have dissolved oxygen then the iron nail will rust faster in tap water. Rusting requires dissolved oxygen and goes faster if there are dissolved salts.

What chemicals will rust a penny a nail a paper clip and a sewing needle to rust the fastest?

water and iron. Creating iron oxide aka rust.