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YES there is a very serious possibility of crowding of permanent teeth( that's the real term)

if your child's milk teeth do not fall off (exfoliate) at the right time and the permanent teeth

start popping out!

DO NOT WORRY. these are problems that can be easily managed by your neighbourhood dentist.


The earlier you look into the matter the better dentition your child will have.

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14y ago

Yes they sure can. Its an extremly common thing today and depending on how severe, you may have to get braces for any amount of time to straighten them.

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15y ago

It is very possible

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Q: Will a permanent tooth come in more crooked if the baby tooth takes a long time to fall out?
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Can you have a cavity if its a permanent tooth?

Yes, you can you can get a cavity in a baby tooth as well as a permanent tooth.

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

Are all the baby tooth is replaced by permanent tooth?


Is there any harmful effects when the baby tooth does not drop off?

The job of baby teeth is to reserve the place for the permanent teeth to come in. When the baby tooth does not drop off, but the permanent tooth is coming out on schedule, it could divert the permanent tooth in a different direction. If a baby tooth has not come out and the permanent tooth has yet to arrive, it could mean the permanent tooth has not developed or growth is delayed. Consult with a general or pediatric dentist to determine the situation and what course of action needs to be taken.

What is a baby tooth?

A baby tooth is a tooth which will be replaced when it has been lost by the child to whom it belongs, and replaced with a permanent, adult tooth.

Is baby tooth root canal effects the coming of permanent tooth?


What about baby teeth that have no adult teeth?

Babies and young children don't have any adult teeth. Baby teeth fall out before permanent teeth emerge through the gum, or if baby teeth have not fallen out before, an emerging permanent tooth pushes the baby one out. In some cases, a permanent tooth can push up either in front of or behind a baby tooth and dental services are needed to remove the baby tooth and to straighten the adult tooth's alignment.

What to do if you have a crooked tooth and can't pull it out?

You must go to the dentist.Your other tooth[grown up] could crack the baby tooth or the other way around.

Is it more painful to have your canine teeth pulled out if they are growing on top of other teeth?

Having a tooth pulled regardless of the location will hurt, most dentists and oral surgeons will prescribe Ibuprofen or Vicodin after tooth extractions. However, If it's a deciduous tooth (baby tooth) and your other canine is coming in, it would be smarter to have it pulled as to allow the permanent tooth room to come in. Otherwise your tooth could come in crooked.

How long does it take the permanent tooth to grow after the baby one is pulled?

It depends on a number of factors. Was the baby tooth loose at the time? If so, the permanent tooth should begin erupting into the mouth within just a few days or weeks. If the baby tooth was not loose, it could take several months, depending on the state of development of the permanent tooth. After taking an x-ray of the area, a dentist could make a fairly accurate prediction of how long the permanent tooth will take to grow in. If the baby tooth was lost prematurely, a space maintainer might need to be placed to prevent future orthodontic or occlusion problems. Check with a dentist.

What is the reason you still have a baby tooth as an adult?

You probably have either a congenitally missing or impacted permanent adult tooth.

If you can move your tooth with your tougue does this mean it is going to fall out?

If it is a baby tooth, then most likely. If it is a permanent tooth you should see your dentist right away.