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If a rabbit doesn't move for awhile, that means it's sick (unless it's just sleeping, of course). Rabbits are active animals and unless they're sleeping or resting, then they're usually up and hopping around, grazing on hay, using the litter box, playing with toys, etc. Rabbits are most active around sunrise and sunset; they sleep and nap during the day and overnight. Lethargy, depression, and lack of interest in playing, eating, or snuggling, are all signs of illness in rabbits, and you should bring the rabbit to see a vet unless he or she snaps out of it soon. See the related questions below for more details and helpful links about rabbit sickness and vets.

If a rabbit is prevented from moving around much for an extended period of time (for example, longer than just the trip to and from the vet's), then it will get sick long before it goes lame. Rabbits need to be able to move or else their digestive system will shut down. Rabbits need a lot of exercise every day! See the related question below for more details about how to care for pet rabbits.

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Q: Will a rabbit go lame if it doesn't move for a while?
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