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Q: Will a rock weather faster after it has been crushed because the density has been increased?
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Why will a rock weather faster after it's been crushed?

Because after you crush it, it has a bigger surface area.

A rock will weather faster after it has been crushed because it?

The crushed rock pieces have a greater surface area then whole rock giving more exposure to weathering.

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use of weather balloons

What are the four main determiners of population density?

The four main determiners of population density are birth rate, death rate, immigration rate, and emigration rate. These factors influence how quickly a population grows or shrinks within a specific area, impacting the overall population density.

Why does a tennis ball bounce high in hot weather?

A tennis ball bounces higher in hot weather than in cold weather because the density of air is less in this weather, due to which the frictional force is reduced

Why does the weather behind the cloud fronts tends to clear because?

because the atomospheric pressure has increased which does not allow many clouds to form

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Why does chocolate keep you warm in cold weather?

Chocolate contains a lot of sugar. That revs up your energy supply and metabolism. If you get up and do activities because of the increased energy supply, you will feel warmer because of not only your activity but also because of increased cellular activity.

How is density important to weather?

Winds follow air pressure gradients and these are determined by atmospheric density.

How is weather related to te water cycle?

Weather becomes pleasant . Humidity is increased in air.

How do air masses that form over the land and ocean affect weather in the Unnited States?

Air masses can affect the weather because different air masses differ in temperature, density, and moisture content.

What is an outcome of an increased climate temperature?

Unstable weather patterns.