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Q: Will a sharpie marker write on a black helmet?
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How do you write on your photos?

Well, you can take a sharp marker (preferbably a Sharpie marker) and write whatever you want on your photo.

How can you get sharpie off a locker?

Write over the sharpie marks with an Expo marker then erase

What to use to write on a acoustic guitar?

A Sharpie/ Permanent marker should do it, and maybe let it dry for a few seconds

How do you address a minister of finance?

Using a Sharpie permanent marker, I usually write the address right across his forehead.

How do you title a CD-RW?

write on the case in a big black sharpie.

How can I write my name on shin guards?

Sharpie marker, engraving tools, or get it done professionally. go to your local sporting goods shop and ask there.

What is the history of the Sharpie Marker?

It was developed in Worcester, Mississippi In 1857 by William H. Sanford, Jr. It was a improvement of the Magic Marker felt-tip marker. Its use in corporate/ buisness America is demanded greatly for labeling, highliting, emphasizing and has the ability to write on many surfaces.

What color should be used to write on black page?

if you are writing on a black page you can take a white crayon or color pencile and write like that or you can use a silver sharpie..

How do you make a homemade swat helmet?

to make a swat helmet get a4 black paper and buy a white helmet it could say fire rescue on it it dosent matter it will be covered with paper get super glue and stick black paper on it if you have a game cover rip the plastic off the cover and stick it on top of the black paper so when your in a shoot out the paper wont rip the plastic will protect it then buy a white marker and write swat on top or fbi.

What to write on white t-shirt when you have black pen?

If i wear white shirt and you have a black permanent marker pen what would u write on my shirt?

What to write on white t shirt when you have black pen?

If i wear white shirt and you have a black permanent marker pen what would u write on my shirt?

Cute ways to ask a guy to WPA?

Get a T shirt and write your name on the back in sharpie and then write other random girls names also on the back in the same color but in washable marker also put a big "YES" and a small "no" in sharpie...give him a note saying "will you be my date to WPA?" and "wash me to find out who's asking" then give it to him and wait(: