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Q: Will a single exposure to a sensitizer cause an immediate reaction?
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A single-displacement reaction is always a redox reaction but a redox reaction isn't always a single-displacement reaction.?

This is true -APEX

A single displacement reaction is always a redox reaction but a redox reaction isnt always a single displacement reaction?

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Is a redox reaction always a single-displacement reaction but a single-displacement reaction isn't always a redox reaction?

This is true -APEX

Radiation symtoms can result from a single exposure and are contagious?

While radiation symptoms can occur from a single, prolonged, exposure, the symptoms of radiation are not contagious.

What type of reaction is Zn plus CuCl2 Cu plus ZnCl2?

A single-replacement reaction

What type of reaction is Zn HCl that produces ZnCl2 H2?

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Which type of reaction has two compound reactants and two compound products?

The type of reaction that always has an element and a compound as reactants is a single displacement reaction, or a substitution reaction. These are of the form A + BC ---> AC + B.

What is edibles oil in a single line definition?

It is oil that you can eat without any immediate adverse reaction. In the long term overuse may lead to excessive weight gain or even obesity.

What kind of reaction occurs when one element replaces another in a compound?

This is called a replacement reaction. When one element replaces another in a compound, it is called single replacement or single displacement. An example isZn + 2HCl ---> ZnCl2 + H2 where the zinc replaces the hydrogen in the acid to form zinc chloride.

A single-displacement reaction and a double-displacement reaction are always redox reactions.?

Single displacement reaction and a double displacement reaction are redox reactions. apex- false

What reaction has occurred when one element replaces another in a compound?

This kind of reaction is usually called a "single displacement" or :single replacement" reaction.

A reaction in which the atoms of one element replace the atoms of a second element in a compound is?

This is a single displacement reaction.