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Q: Will a skunk spray in a dogs mouth make it sick?
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Can skunk spray make a person sick?

No, spray does't make people sick. If you are bitten by an unvaccinated skunk, you need to worry about rabies, but rabies cannot be transmitted by spray. However, the smell might make you vomit.

What if a dog won't eat or drink after being sprayed by a skunk?

It probably got skunk spray in its mouth, which can make it hard to taste anything but it. Best way to deal with it is to wash the poor dog's mouth with tomato juice or some other skunk removing substance that's non-toxic. I'd see your vet.

What is main the main purpose of a skunks strong scent?

A skunk's spray is used only as a defensive weapon. Seeing as most natural predators, such as dogs, coyotes, etc. have very strong noses, this intense odor can actually make them frantic, disoriented and unable to continue pursuing the skunk.

Who would win skunk vs lion?

The lion, no question. Skunk spray would simply make the lion even more determined to kill the skunk.

How do you make a dog release a grip on another dog if it grabs it?

Spray it with a fire extinguisher. I have also used anything from a water hose to a baseball bat. if you pt your hands in its mouth a push the roof of the dogs mouth it gags the dog idc

Can you domesticate and adopt a skunk in Sims 2 Pets for PC?

Unfortunatly, no. All you can do with a skunk is try to pet it, which of course leaves you covered in skunk spray... Or watch it, so your sim can observe it. And you can shoo it which gets the skunk off your lot. But you can make our dog, or cat look a lot like a skunk! Just use the fur patterns and see what you can do!

Does a dogs mouth have germs that can make you sick?


Will a skunk chase you?

They can. But never for no reason. Maybe if it got REALLY mad. But it's obvious that if you make a skunk mad, it would just spray it's smelly oil at you. Or run the opposite dirrection. It's very likely though that you won't find a skunk running after anyone anytime soon.

Do you have instructions to make your own device to stop dogs from barking?

spray bottle and water

Does it make a difference what the dog eats What is the difference between a dogs mouth and a humans?

a dogs mouth is not a far contraction from a human's mouth the dog mouth is more wider and the guy that told you before is wrong the dogs mouth sweats for it that's why a dog doesn't sweat

How do you make skunk on alxemy?


How do you make a skunk in alxemy?

weasel + paint =skunk