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Q: Will a tree burn for firewood after being struck by lightning?
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Who sang the song with the lyrics the school got struck by lightning let it burn burn burn?

Tiger Sue

What is drying of firewood?

When you dry firewood so that it is seasoned and really good to burn.

Can you burn firewood in a faux fireplace?


How do you use saw palmetto?

You burn it as firewood.

What causes firewood not to burn?

You forgot to light it?

Can you burn magnolia tree in a fireplace?

Yes. Not really great as firewood, but you can burn it.

What did cave men use to burn their fires?

They wait for lightning to struck something combustive like wood

What are you likely to pay money for and then burn?

Firewood, cigarettes, candles, food

Why won't wood from a tree hit by lightning burn?

It does burn. Trees struck by lightning (or that strike power lines) will be scorched and often die completely as a result. In fact, "dry lightning" (with little or no accompanying precipitation) is a common natural cause of wildfire (but is generally exceeded by the number of wildfires started by human activity).

Is Black Oak good firewood?

Black poplar wood will burn hot. If an air tight stove is being used, the control rate of the burn can be modified to suit the need when it comes to burn rate and heat needed. In quality, with the correct stove, Black poplar will burn to 80 to 90% of Maple based on size, weight and seasoning. It is further essential in controlling creosote.

Can lightning burn buildings?

Yes, lightning is over 50000 degrees

How do you get rid of rats in a woodpile?

Use it for firewood and have a cookout or a campout!