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Accidental Life or commonly known as AD (Accidental Death) Policies will not pay if the cause of death is illness.

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Q: Will accidental life insurance pay if you get sick and die?
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What is the difference between accidental death and dismemberment insurance and life insurance?

If I understand it correctly, Accidental Death and Dismembermant Insurance will pay ONLY if you lose a limb or are killed in an accident. Life Insurance pays when you die, regardless of how you die.

Does accidental life ins pay on cancer?

Accidental life insurance only pays if you die by direct bodily injury and that no other prior or existing conditions contribute to your death. So accidental life insurance will not pay if you have cancer. Consumers should avoid getting this product at all cost and get traditional life insurance such as term life insurance that will pay no matter how you die.


Accidental insurance does not pay if you die of lung cancer.

How are accidental death benefits paid out when they double?

If your life insurance death benefit is for $100,000 and you have a 100,000 accidental death benefit rider and you die in an accident then your policy would pay $200,000.

Accidental life insurance?

Accident life insurance is usually purchased by using a rider on your life insurance policy. Usually it pays an additional death benefit for those insured's who die by some sort of pure accident. Keep in mind that the additional death benefit is purely for things considered "accidental", and does not cover anything else. Read more at link below.

What is the difference between accidental life insurance and regular life insurance?

Accidental Life insurance only pays out if you die in an accident. There are limitation and restrictions on some ADD policies such as the accident has to be a common carrier. Others will cover you for any accident such as a piano dropping on your head. Regular life insurance simeply covers you if you die regardless of cause. The first 2 years do have restrictions such as suicide or pre-existing conditions. If you are trying to determine what type of insurance to buy, buy regular life insurance and you can always add on ADD to that policy. 4lifeguild Accidental life insurance is taken against death by accidents. It will also compensate you incase of any permanent loss of limbs, sight, etc. Some accident policies may also cover hospital expenses and any surgery that may be required due to the accident. Life insurance pays death benefits to beneficiaries no matter how the person dies. Some life insurance policies also ride accident insurance to provide double indemnity.

Is it worth having accidental death insurance?

The answer for my opinion is no. You are much better off taking money spent on such a policy and purchasing more regular life insurance. This way you don't have to hope you're going to die in the right way to care for your family.

Do Life Insurance cover you in the Philippines?

Life insurance is indiscriminate on where you die. There are often specific exclusions on how you die however.

What is the difference between life insurance and term life insurance?

Life insurance is a more general concept that may refer to either whole life insurance or term life insurance. Whole life insurance gathers value the longer you have it, whereas Term life insurance does not obtain any value that you may use before you die. Term life insurance only pays out when you die.

Do you like to get sick and die?

No because loseing your life is horrble and if u get sick its about how sick u are

How do you find out if someone had life insurance after they die?

how do i find out if tom rowntree had life insurance

What is accidental death rider?

A life insurance policy is designed to pay a certain amount of money when the insured person dies. Sometimes the policy can have an additional clause which awards a larger amount of money in the event that the death was accidental. That is to say, if the insured person dies peacefully in bed from heart failure, that is a natural death. If the insured person is hit by a car and killed, that is an accidental death. You might have a policy that pays $50,000 for a natural death, but $200,000 for an accidental death. A possible reason for this kind of arrangement is that when people die a natural death, it is usually at a more advanced age and it is usually not a great surprise. People gradually decline in health before they die, most of the time. Accidental deaths can happen at any time and you may not be as well prepared to cope with them. Insurance companies are also playing the odds. Most deaths are not accidental, so it does not cost insurance companies a lot to sell you an accidental death rider. Chances are, they will never have to make that accidental death payment.