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Q: Will algae affect a local system?
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How do oil spills affect algae?

algae will eventually die.

Does dish soap affect algae?

Yes, dish soap does affect algae. Because of the chemicals and cleaning agents, the dish soap will help break down the algae.

Does the red algae effect the red sea?

the algae does affect it. the algae is a little monster that comes out and eats people.

What are two abiotic factors that affect water lilies?

what are two abiotic factors that affect water lilies

How does red algae affect humans?

Red algae are a source of food and food additives for humans.

Where can you get alge?

Your local fish store should carry various types of algae and algae supplements.

Does red algae have a respiratory system?

no respiratory system

Examples of algae?

blue green algae,Chlamydomonas,diatoms,gelidium, etc..

How does plant food affect algae?

it increases its growth

Do different substances affect algae growth?


Is Algae part of Biotic system?


Does the age of the gunnite pool affect algae growth?

It shouldn't