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Not directly (unless the dose is very high) but ambien can cause people to fall asleep and sleepwalk, and xanax can lower inhibitions. So it's possible that somebody taking both drugs could do something foolish like walking off a cliff or driving.

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Q: Will ambien and xanax kill someone?
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Is Ambien like Xanax?

No. Ambien is indicated for insomnia. Xanax is indicated for anxiety.

Will 300 mg of oxycodone 8mg of xanax 60mg of remeron and 250mg of ambien kill you?

Yes, if the patient is not tolerant to such a high dose of oxycodone, especially if taken with xanax, it could cause respiratory depression and essentially suffocate the patient.

Online new xanax ambien valuim pharmacy in panama?

Please ask your question in the form of a question.

Does Ambien contain penicillin?

It shouldn't, ambien is for sleep, penicillin is for infections. unless you're putting the infection to bed before you kill them, then no, no penicillin in ambien.

What will 110 mg of Ambien do?

It can, kill you if you take it with other meds! If you need help please always seek someone's help, its never worth it.

Is xanax the same as Ambien?

No ambien is one of the brand names for Zolpidem, a hypnotic used for insomnia whereas fluoxetine is a selective serotonin uptake inhibitor (SSRI) used for depression, bulimia and OCD.

How many mg per lb of body weight of Ambien will kill you?

Wt 140, how many ambien 10 mg to kill you?

Will 0.5 mg xanax kill you?

No. This much dose will not kill you.

Can Valium and ambien cr mask xanax on drug tests?

I would say no. Ambien is a Non Benzodiazepine, which means it offers similar effects of a Benzo, but is not classified as a Benzo it will not register as a Benzo on a drug test. Valium is a Benzo so it would come up positive for Benzo's regardless of it being Valium or Xanax.

How do you make Ambien?

You don't. Fooling around with medication can kill you, especially a tranquilizer like Ambien. You will stop breathing and die.

Will 100 5Mg of xanax kill?
