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As consumers (chemoheterotrophs), animals cannot produce their own food. Any lost link in the food chain prevents the organisms above that point from surviving, at least in their current position on the chain.

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Q: Will animals die out where the food chain is broken?
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If animals die how does it affect your food chain?

If an animal dies, it affects your food chain; because more animals will die and in the end all the food will run out for predators if they eat to much prey. If you are human it will also affect your food chain because you need meat in your diet.

How does killing one species spiral through the food chain?

it affects the food chain by killing one then another. For example, if rabbits are taken out of an ecosystem, then all the animals that eat the rabbit die and the animals that eat the rabbit- eating animals die, and so forth.

What happens if a food chain breaks down?

If the food chain is disturbed animals will go hungry. A disruption in the food chain will mean some animals go without the food that they need, while the disruption will cause over population of other animals that will result in food shortages.

How can animals die from animal cruelty?

Animals can die from animal cruelty in many ways. Some ways include starvation. If an animal is left alone with a long period of time without water and food, they will die. Animals also die from infection of an injury from a chain, broken leg, or another injury.

What would happen if all the Tertiary animals in a food chain disappeared?

Other animals will die and eventually we will to.

How will the extinction of this animal interrup the ecosystem in which it lives?

food chain! other animals will die

What are the affects on animals with pollution?

animals may get die due to this harmful pollution and hence our food chain be also get destroy.

Why would no other organisms have energy if plants were destroyed?

Because plants are at the bottom of the food chain and it they didn't provide food for other animals the whole food chain would die

Why would scientist believe if animals would become extinct if all plants died?

because there is a life cycle and plants are a part of it therefore, if plants are not there, the cycle/chain would be broken. Also few animals depend on plants for their survival

How would food chain look like if herbivores die?

If you break a link in the food chain then all animals above die off (the carnivores in this case) and the producer population dynamics change as the grazing ceases.

How do non-native species effect the food chain?

They can come along and eat other animals, which can die out. They might take other animals food and other animals die out. There is positives. There is more food for e.g. a fox so more rabbits are born.

Why is food chain important to the living things?

If one animal in the food chain dies, all other above it dies, and the animals below flourish, but eventually die from overpopoulation