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Depending on the amount, probably not. Unless she took a whole lot, has a prexisting heart condition or is allergic to the Epimedium plant or any of it's relatives.

It is an herbal supplement and not regulates by the FDA, so you really have no guarantee, you are getting the amounts listed on the packaging.

What is does in the human body is:

orny goat weed may help people who have hay fever or atherosclerosis, although studies on these conditions haven't produced conclusive evidence yet

The "active ingredient" in Epimedium is icariin[3],

Icariin is purported to work by increasing levels of nitric oxide, which relax smooth muscle.

meaning it can increase blood to smooth muscle areas such as the penis.

in women specifically:

- it might affect woman's desires as well [source: Reedy].

For women, especially those who are aging or going through menopause, this loss of bone density is a big concern. Another added bonus is that the supplement may offer some relief from the many symptoms of menopause.

Horny goat weed has a name you'll probably never forget. And if you suffer from any of the ailments or conditions it claims to treat, you may have come across a helpful supplement. But as with any supplement, exercise caution, since it under-studied and unregulated.


All this hype about pills, aphrodisiacs and pheromones is all hooey. save your money and quit risking peoples health. Make a good effort planning a romantic day for your lady friend and make sure it's all about making her feel special, safe and beautiful, then you have the best turn-on formula ever!

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Horny goat weed and maca are herbal supplements that works as a stimulant and libido enhancer and yes it works very well.

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Horny Goat Weed No, Horny Goat Weed might work as a aphrodisiac but it wont help you getting pregnant unless it's the erection you have a problem with. You just have to focus on having sex when she ovulates and remember sperms can live 5-7 days inside.

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Yes. Its called Horny Goat Grass. They sell these pills in gas stations.

Does Walgreen's sell PDe5 inhibitors over the counter?

the only OTC PDE5 inhibitor that I'm aware of is Epimedium (aka Horny Goat Weed)

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Can a goat eat cucumbers?

A goat can eat virtually anything. Cucumbers are a healthy vegetable so I'm sure they'd be good for the goat.

Is an goat an omnivore?

Yes, they will eat just about anything.