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Autism research is ongoing, and there are various interventions and therapies aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with autism and their families. These may include behavioral therapies, educational interventions, and support services.

It's important to note that the concept of "curing" autism is complex and controversial. Many in the autism community advocate for acceptance and understanding of neurodiversity, emphasizing support and accommodations rather than seeking a cure.

Medical and scientific advancements continue, and researchers are exploring various avenues for better understanding and addressing autism. While there may be progress in improving the lives of individuals with autism, predicting a specific timeline for the development of a cure is challenging.

For the most current information on this topic, I recommend checking recent scientific literature, news from reputable sources, and updates from organizations dedicated to autism research and advocacy.

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In the future yes.

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Q: Will autism be cured in the future?
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Who has been cured of autism?

No one - autism cannot be cured.

Can you be cured if you have autism?

There is no known cure for autism at this time.

How do you cure autisum?

Autism cannot be cured.

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Autism is believed to be caused by a hormonal imbalance, but can be cured through therapeutic sessions.

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There are plenty of therapies and programmes nowdays. However, autism can hardly be cured. It can only get better if you try.

Will you have autism all your life?

Yes, it is a developmental disability which cannot be cured. However, it can be treated with great success and many people with autism lead normal lives as adults.

Is Jenny McCarthy against autism?

Jenny McCarthy is not against autism, but she is responsible for a lot of harm to the Autism community and supporting Anti-Vaxx movement. By claiming that her son was Autistic, that it was caused by vaccines, and that her child was 'cured' of Autism she spread a lot of misinformation that meant that Autism is less understood by many people. Also by claiming that it was caused by vaccines the implication she gave was that Autism is worse than your child dying from a preventable disease.

Are scientist closer to a cure for autism?

In short, not really. But they are very much closer to finding out why autism occurs and this may effect a way in preventing it in the future.

How long does it take to develpe Autism and why?

Autism cannot be cured - Autism is a neurological difference, not an illness to be cured.A person is born Autistic and remains Autistic their entire life, just as someone who is born Caucasian cannot be 'cured' of being Caucasian. Autism is a neurological difference, you cannot get rid of Autism in a person without changing their brain, which is simply not possible.

What is the best remedy for autism?

Autism cannot be cured, nor is there any reason to attempt to cure it.Autism is a neurological difference, a person is born Autistic and remains Autistic throughout their entire lives. To 'cure' autism you would have to change a persons entire brain and who they are - food cannot do that. There is no diet that can cure Autism, just help with symptoms in some.

Can autism be completely cured?

== Currently, autism can not be cured. But with your efforts, you can make improvements. There are many therapists to help autism, like caisen-free diet therapy, music therapy, animal therapy and so on. straight answer no but im autistic and if you dont tell them atall and make them function like a child without autism then it can get better but cannot be cured no ...or it can just end up like me. I also have autism and wasn't told about it. I ended up in a mental hospital. Tell your kid--they deserve to know.

Why cant autism be cured?

Autism isn't a disease, it is a difference in how the brain works - to cure autism would mean changing a persons brain so that they think differently, experience the world differently, and they would essentially no longer be themselves.