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No, unless they wind up on a bed of rice with a seaweed wrap.

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Q: Will baby fish eggs die if the are not fertile in 24 to 48 hours?
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Are your fish eggs fertilised?

They will go white within 36 hours if they are not fertile.

How do you know if your fish eggs were fertilized?

Infertile eggs will go white within 36 hours. The fertile ones stay amber (clear).

What is the difference between fish eggs and snail eggs?

A fish egg has baby fish in it, a snail egg has baby snails in it!

Will a female puffer fish lay non-fertile eggs?

No, pufferfish will not lay non-fertile eggs. I have had multiple pufferfish for over 5 years and they haven't laid non-fertile eggs. Although she did mate with my other pufferfish and lay fertile eggs.

How long does it take for angelfish eggs to hatch?

The don't get pregnant, they get fertile. Tropical Angel fish deliver eggs through spawning. If the female is fertile(carrying infertile eggs,) she female lay the eggs, then the male will fertilize them afterwards. A Fightn' Fact- Angel Fish eggs usually take less than a week to hatch.

Do fish have babies out of there butt?

No, Because fish don't have the baby's right away they make eggs. Then the eggs hatch and then they become baby fish.

Do female fish lay eggs without male?

Yes female Angle can lay their eggs without a male. But the eggs will not be fertile.

Will canaries lay eggs if there is no male?

no not really.Well, I do know that there is a particular kind of fish that, when the need is really high, a female can change itself into a male (with male genitalia), mate with the female and therefore lay eggs. However, this only suits the question when the transsexual fish is to be considered a female.

How can you tell a fish is going to have a baby?

fish don't have babies - they lay eggs!!

What is the name of a fish offspring?

It varies depending on the type of fish. For many, female fish lay eggs. The eggs are fertilized by the male fish outside the body of the female after they are laid. The eggs grow into baby fish.

What do you call the baby of the fish?

Bayb fish start off as Embryos then Wrigglers, then Fry.

Is there be colorful baby fish eggs?

yes, it have some species that have it.