

Will bees sting while with the queen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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YES bees will sting while with the queen because they think they are in danger

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Q: Will bees sting while with the queen?
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Do queen bees have poison?

Queen bees have the same ability to sting as worker bees. The big difference is that the queen's sting is smooth, so she can withdraw it easily.

Are qeen bees poisenous?

Queen bees only sting other queen bees.

Does a queen bee have poison?

Queen bees have the same ability to sting as worker bees. The big difference is that the queen's sting is smooth, so she can withdraw it easily.Read more: Do_queen_bees_have_poison

Do worker bees sting?

yes, worker bees sting, many people think that they don't but the queen bee does but they are the same type of bees

Is it true that queen bees cannot sting?

its true

Do honey bees sting each other?

It can happen. They won't sting members of their own colony, but if bees from another colony try to enter the hive to steal the honey the guard bees will sting them. A newly-emerged queen will go around the hive looking for other queen cells. If she finds any she will sting through the cell walls to kill the developing queen inside them.

Is a queen bee poisonus and why?

No. A honey bee queen can only sting other bees - not people.

What does a queen bee sting does?

queen bees rarely sting, unless their hive is nowhere to help her. because if she does sting, the lower half of her body with fall off & she'll die, thus her hive will have no queen.

What bees dont sting?

Wasps,hornets, honey-bees, bumble bees, killer bees.Only the females (queen and workers) can sting, the males (drones) can't.

How often do queen bees sting?

not very often coz they are quite lazy

Do queen ants sting or bite?

Yes, Queen honeybees have a smooth stinger, and can sting many times. However, a queen will rarely sting a person, for several reasons. 1) her job is not to defend the hive (the workers do that, and do it well, indeed.) and 2) her abdomen is so full of eggs, that she has difficulty curving it down to implant the sting. The primary use of her sting is to kill other, rival queens in the hive.

Can bees sting while they are dying?

No they cant because they are dying!