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That's going to depend on which pole of the magnet is sticking out towards

the beta stream (there are two choices), and also on the direction in which

the electrons are flowing past the magnet (there are two choices).

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9y ago
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12y ago

Beta particles are high speed electrons or positrons. They have charge so they will be deflected by a magnetic field.

A magnetic field alters the direction in which a beta particle travels. This is true if the charged particle has motion which has a component that is "across" the magnetic lines of force of the field through which it is moving.

The reason for the observed deflection is because a charged particle that is moving creates a magnetic field, and this field reacts with the magnetic field through which it is moving. The result will be lateral deflection, and positively charged particles will be deflected one way and negatively charged particles will be deflected the other.

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2w ago

Beta particles are negatively charged electrons, so they will bend towards the north pole of a magnetic field due to the right-hand rule for moving charges.

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13y ago

Beta particles bend toward the north pole because they are negatively charged and are attracted the the north pole which is positively charged

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11y ago

their paths bend in opposite directions

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14y ago

Towards positive pole.

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Q: Will beta particles bend towards the north or south pole of a magnet?
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Beta particles will?

They have a RAVE, BABY!

A magnet has both a positive side and a negative side. can you just have a magnet that is positive?

No, magnets always have both a north pole (positive) and a south pole (negative). This is a fundamental property of magnets according to magnetic theory. It is not possible to have a magnet with just one pole.

Do electrons have poles?

Yes, electron do have poles, since the rotation of electrons are set as up or down, and its rotation is quantized. Theses rotations about an axis, results in minute electromagnetic forces that attracts oppositely spinning electrons to the same energy level. There are many rules governing the configuration of electrons within the electron shell, the most important are the Pauli exclusion principle, which states no two electrons may occupy the same orbital with identical spins, and Hund's Rule, which states the electrons fill in order of orbitals to prevent the occupation of a orbital by two electrons, unless there is no more orbitals to place the new electron.

During a tug-of-war one side pulls with a force of 12000.0N toward the north and the other side pulls with a force of 12010.0 towards the south What is the net force on the mass of all the puller?

The net force on the mass of all the pullers is 10.0N southward. This is found by subtracting the force pulling north (12000.0N) from the force pulling south (12010.0N).

In chemistry how do opposites attract?

In chemistry, opposites attract through the electrostatic force of attraction between positively and negatively charged particles. This force allows for the formation of stable chemical bonds between atoms, such as ionic bonds between cations and anions, or polar covalent bonds between atoms with different electronegativities.

Related questions

What would the North Pole of magnet be attracted to?

South Pole of another Magnet or towards the South Pole of the Earth

What would a freely suspended magnet do?

A freely suspended magnet will align itself in the north-south direction due to Earth's magnetic field. The north pole of the magnet will point towards the geographic north pole, and the south pole will point towards the geographic south pole.

Where does the south pole a compass magnet points?

The north of the compass points to Earth's magnetic south pole, which is to the north.

When you suspend a magnet freely why does it always lie in north and south direction?

A magnet always points towards north and south if suspended freely because it gets attracted to the north and south poles of the earth. The east and west have weaker magnetism power.

How can you tell which is the North Pole on a magnet if it is not marked?

To determine the North Pole of an unmarked magnet, you can use a compass. The needle of the compass will point towards the North Pole of the magnet, helping you identify its orientation.

What is direction of magnet in Tan B position?

In the tan B position, the direction of the magnet depends on the specific orientation of the magnet. The north pole of the magnet points towards the geographical North Pole, while the south pole points towards the geographical South Pole. The direction can also be determined by using a compass, as the needle aligns with the magnetic field lines.

Does a compass only have a north pole?

No, a compass has both a north pole and a south pole. The needle of a compass aligns with the Earth's magnetic field, with one end pointing towards the magnetic north pole and the other end pointing towards the magnetic south pole.

What is the end of a magnet called?

A pole. They are called the north pole and south pole. The north pole of a magnet is defined as the pole that, when the magnet is freely suspended, points towards the Earth's North Magnetic Pole in the Arctic.

What would happen when a magnet meet to the south and south and north and north?

the magnet will repel

What does the s and the n mean in a magnet?


What happens when the opposite poles of the magnet are near each other?

Like poles attract. Unlike poles repel. So north and south will attract towards each other, while north and north (and south to south) will repel.

Why are the poles of a magnet called N and S?

When a magnet is freely suspended at its center it will set itself along the north-south direction. The tip pointing towards the geographical north direction is called the north pole and the other tip is called the south pole.