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Q: Will cholesterol influence sex desire I mean if you have high cholesterol it may influence your sex desire?
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My dad and his mom and my grandfather on my mom's side have high cholesterol -- Does this mean I will get it?

You might get high cholestEROL

What does HDL Cholesterol mean?

HDL Cholesterol stands for "High-density Lipoproteins", which is the `good' cholesterol. A high level of HDL cholesterol in the blood is thought to lower the risk of coronary artery disease.

What does it mean to have high colesteral?

It means that you don't know how to spell cholesterol.

What do the different cholestrol levels mean?

All I honestly know about this is the higher the numbers the worse your cholesterol and that there are foods you can eat to lower it. I also know that WebMD can answer a lot of these questions.

Is high cholesterol hereidy?

It can be, but that doesn't mean that exercise and eating fruits and vegetables won't lower it.

What does LDL of 231 and HDL of 47 mean?

LDL (bad cholesterol) of 104 is reasonably low - and this is good. HDL(good cholesterol) of 65 is significantly high - and this is also good!

What does ''get smacked''mean?

it means that you are under the influence of marijuana or high off of it

What does DUI x2 mean?

Driving under the influence is when you are drunk or high and you are driving.

Does colitis mean you have arteriosclerosis?

No, colitis does not mean that you have arteriosclerosis. However you may have arteriosclerosis if you are obese, have high blood cholesterol, or have a family history and if you are old and also have colitis.i

Does cholesterol free mean fat free?

No, not all fat is cholesterol.

What does a hdl chol. of 110 mean?

It means that your good cholesterol is high, meaning you probably have a great cholesterol profile. It could indicate that you have little atherosclerosis, or cholesterol build-up, in your arteries.Be proud of that reading. =)

What does 6.5 in a cholesterol reading mean?

6.5 in a cholesterol reading is considered to be a high cholesterol reading. It should not be above 5. Reduce or cut out animal fats (all dairy foods, red meats, take aways, ready meals etc) out of your diet completely.