

Will cinnamon burn your throat

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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If you take a lot it will clog your throat and you won't be able to breath until you force yourself to throw up, forcing the cinnamon out. It goes through your nasal and burns and irritates. You can still feel it in your throat for a while, it continues to softly burn and you never want to taste cinnamon again.

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Q: Will cinnamon burn your throat
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Liquids: water, juice

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Lemon water shouldn’t normally burn the throat. You may have a sore throat. Another idea is that you might be allergic to lemon, if lemon normally doesn’t burn your throat.

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Why cant you eat a tablespoon of cinnamon?

You Can, But Make Sure You Have A Water Bottle And Trash Can With You, Because Your Throat Will Start To Burn, Drink A Crap Load Of Water, And The Garbage Can Is For When You Puke, If Your Throat Feels Enough Pain You Will Puke, So.... AND MAKE SURE IF YOU TRY THIS, DO IT WITH FRIENDS, ITS ONLY FUN WITH FRIENDS! MAKE SURE NONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALLERGIC TO CINNAMON, BECAUSE THERE THROAT MAY SWELL UP, THEY'LL CHOKE, AND THIS MAY BE F.A.T.A.L.! So Caution Yourself.

Will eating a tablespoon of cinnamon make you sick?

Yes. I've tried it and i was gagging and throwing up for almost an hour...and I have an amazing gag reflex. It makes your mouth burn and makes your throat beyond raw and you won't want to eat cinnamon for a LONG time...just saying i wouldn't try it.

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Your throat will burn up.

If you put fire down your throat will you die?

Most likely. You will burn your throat and lungs.

What remedy for throat infections include honey?

Honey used as a remedy for throat infections usually involves mixing it with other ingredients like cinnamon. It helps soothe a sore throat.

How can I get cinnamon out of my throat?

Drink milk or something. Check out Glozell's channel on youtube.

Why do Phoenixes build a nest made out of cinnamon twigs in the phoenix myths?

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The Havdalah spices are not customarily burned. We say a blessing on the spice (such as cinnamon) and smell it as is.