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No, that will just dilute your urine and you'll get in trouble for not having the legal amount of creatine in your urine.

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Q: Will cranberry juice flush your system in two days to take urine test?
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Will cranberry juice help flush codeine out of urine?

Hell No Yo

What can you drink from home that will help you flush out your urine?

white vinegar or cranberry juice

You took heroin how can you past a urine test?

wait three days. or flush the hell out of your system, meaning drink a lot of water. cranberry juice is also good to flush with.

How can get methamphetamine out of urine for testing?

Drink a lot of water/cranberry juice. It will take 2-3 days to get out of ur system, less if you hydrate ur body a lot to flush it out

Does cranberry juice help you to get your period if it is late?

No. Cranberry juice helps urine infections

How quickly can you get amphetamines out of your system?

Amphetamines are standardly detectable in urine for 1-3 days after use. Methamphetamines stay in the system slightly longer, 3-5 days. Flush system out with plenty of water or juice. Cranberry juice is supposed to help but only as its a diuretic which increases the rate of urination.

How do you flush THC from urine in 24hrs?

its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining

Is cranberry juice will remove drugs form the system if the test is base on blood test?

Cranberry juice. Ah, cranberry juice.Quick answer: No.Long answer:Cranberry juice fools a urine test in two ways: it's a diuretic, a drug that makes you pee more, and it changes the pH of your urine. Neither one of those things is going to help you on a blood test.

What is the fastest way to get THC out of urine?

cranberry juice 100%

Do cranberry pills clean marijuana from urine?

Cranberry pills and juice can help to detox the body. While detoxing you can take the pills three times a day along with the juice in place of meals. You are not supposed to eat anything solid while you are doing this. Once done with the detox, slowly start eating solid foods. Start with fresh fruit or veggies.

What are the causes of amonia smelling urine?

That is usually a sign that you need more water. your urine is too concentrated . it could be a problem with the kidneys or bladder also. flush your system with lots of water and drink cranberry juice to help balance out the pH and see your doctor if it doesnt clear up quickly.

Can cranberry juice effect a urine test for Oxycontin vicodin valieum?

no but it can effect a urine test for marijuana