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Yes, if its a urine test for Alcohol. No, if its a standard drug test. Alcohol is not part of the standard drug test. It is less common in preemployment tests or random on-the-job testing, especially for safety sensitive jobs.

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Q: Will drinking a few beers the night before a urine test caused it to come back positive?
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What is the most beers you can have if you are driving?

NONE, no drinking while driving.

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You want to start drinking beers but dont like the taste?

Then WHY start?

Will you pass a breathalyzer after drinking a pint of whiskey and 6 beers after 10 hours of not drinking?

No, because a pint of whiskey is like 10 beers and 6 more. Thats 16 hours you would have to wait.....

How can a bal be 12 after drinking four beers in four hours?

"No, really Officer, I only drank 4 beers all night before I got behind the wheel." Some people's body's process alcohol at different rates than others.

How many beers would you have to drink to have a positive ua?


How long does beer say in urine after drinking four beers that evening?

5 to 6 days

What happens if you stop drinking after one yr of drinking 2-3 beers a night?

you will become dehydrated and i tell you you cant survive for a yaer you wiil die before it ends. If you stop drinking after one year of drinking 2-3 beers a night, whatever happends afterwards depends on your future habits. .. You can only become dehydrated if you refuse to take in enough water, or, continue to consume so much alcohol, the associated dehydration is satisfied with yet more alcohol, such as with symptoms following a hangover.

If you drink 6 beers how long before you would pass breath test?

It would depend on the timing of the drinking episode and the alcohol content of the beer, but you would be "safe" after 12 - 18 hours.