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Q: Will drinking alcohol before tb test affect the results?
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Would drinking alcohol before a lft effect the results of liver enymes?

Of course! Alcohol is metabolized by the liver, and will affect liver function tests.

How does eating a meal before drinking affect a level of intoxication?

It can slow the rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the body.

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Judgment is affected before vision when drinking alcohol.

How long after a DUI stop should you be given a breathe test?

The sooner the test, the more accurate the results. If you had just finished drinking (or were drinking) when you were stopped, your blood alcohol may still be going up so a delayed BAC may show more alcohol than you actually had at the time of the violation. If you had stopped drinking a while before being stopped, then your blood alcohol may be going down and the result would be a lower reading. Obviously the longer the wait for a BAC, the more a good attorney can argue about the results.

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Does the effect of alcohol last longer when taking Oxycontin?

It will make u throw up if take it after you've been drinking . Taking it before you drink may have a better affect .

Can I Drink alcohol before eating not while?

Now this is a personal oppinion I would eat sometin a couple hrs before drinking alcohol.

If you drink alcohol before a liver panel test will it effect the results?

If you drink alcohol before a liver panel test, the results may be affected due to the way the liver functions. It is responsible for filtering the alcohol out of the blood.

How long do you have to wait after taking Dilaudid before drinking alcohol?

Mixing alcohol with opiates can make you sick and can even be fatal, so wait at least 4-6 hrs before drinking to be on the safe side.

How long should you wait before drinking alcohol after gastroenteritis?

Pikachu,and Pichu.

Eating before and while drinking a accelerates the peak blood alcohol concentration b lowers peak blood alcohol concentration c transfers absorption of alcohol to the small intestine d prevent?

Eating before and while drinking will slow down the absorption of alcohol, so it will lower the peak blood alcohol concentration.