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Not necessarily. Don't eat anything spicy, salty,or acidic to help it heal and not be too irritated. Just be sure to brush and rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash or a saline solution after the meal just like with anything else.

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Q: Will eating sushi infect your tongue ring?
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What is eating a girl out?

Eating out a girl means giving her oral pleasure.

What is this white ring under your tongue?

I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

What is a Lock on tongue rings?

There is no "lock on a tongue ring" and it's not a ring it's a barbell.

What r the negative effects of a tongue ring?

If you have a tongue ring, it makes it hard to make out. the ring always gets in the way.

May i kiss with a tongue piercing?

Of course you can!!!!!!! it makes kissing more enjoyable!well no you cant . you have to wait at least ( 2 weeks ) before kissing someone with a tongue ring . doing so before that time will msot likely increase the risk of infection due to the bacteria in the mouth . spreading the germs can infect your new tongue ring and can be very painful :( im getting my tongue pierced tommorrow ( 111309 ) and im fourteen years old .

How can you find an 18 gauge tongue ring?

Google search for "18 gauge tongue ring"!

How do you eat a girl out with a tongue ring?

The same way you did before, except now you have a tongue ring.

What is an ootoro ring?

It's probably a mascot ring with an Ootoro (fatty tuna) sushi for its design.

Can vomit infect a nose piercing?

It can if you don't clean the ring.

Where was the origin of tongue ring?

Well tongue piercing has various origins in many cultures, some factual and others just BS. In north American culture the tongue piercing originated in the BDSM and S&M world and was a submissive act dating back to the early 70's or later. Now tongue piercing is more a fashion statement than an actual sexual addition. Just for information it is a tongue piercing not a tongue ring, "rings" are never used due to there painful nature and awkwardness in eating, drinking, swallowing, etc. Some times there will be photos displayed with a ring in a tongue, but this is just for the photo and a ring is never left in the piercing.

Are tongue rings good for eating a girl out?

Many think that it would give better pleasure, but if you want, go ahead but take caution so your tongue ring won't get caught in her...ahem...I think you get the point.

How bad is the pain of a nose ring compared to a tongue ring hurt you got your nose done and want your tongue?

I've had my nose done, and now i have my tongue. I say that the nose hurts more, but it depends on the people, but the tongue is one of the piercing that hurt less.. For the people that say the clamps are the worst, their wrong. But trust me, it really doesn't hurt that bad. All you have to do is be careful, you have a hard time eating because your tongue is so swollen.